An audio jack manufacturer sent a (well-placed) sample of stereo TRS jacks along with the parts for Via. This naturally raised some questions:
How would a eurorack system built for stereo with TRS jacks work? Could you make compelling spatial effects with basic dual processing blocks and CV pairs? Would this be empowering or confusing for musicians?
We aren't ready for another monolithic project just yet, so we are sharing the idea in its infancy to see what happens.

A starting point
The initial approach is of the "keep it simple, keep it analog, keep it modular" spirit. Focus on the power of ganged manual control over independent voltage pairs (for audio or CV).
Break down tried and true stereo processing schemes into the atomic blocks, and start with those modules. When it comes down to it, a panner is just two VCAs with the right CV pair and control interface. What if you could use those same CVs with a pair of filters or delay lines?

Design process
Via was an excercise in exploring the potential of a common form factor. In contrast, we want to avoid this type of commitment with the TRS modules.
Module ideas are being prototyped in VCV Rack. This is a new way of using Rack for us: mocking up new devices instead of modelling existing ones.
Essential circuit blocks are being prototyped as small modular "backpacks". The goal here is to do circuit design work that can be reused if the whole TRS modular thing doesn't go anywhere.