Firmware Build Instructions


The firmware source code is distributed as a set of project files for SW4STM32, an Eclipse-based toolchain available for MacOS, Windows, and Linux. After installing, follow these instructions to build the firmware binaries. 

Start with a empty workspace.


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Right click the project explorer and click Import.


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Select the "Projects from Git" import wizard.


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Import with "Clone URI".


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Copy the following into the URI field and click "Next": 
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Select a local directory for the source code. Be sure to select "Clone submodules".


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Import the projects in the repository as existing Eclipse projects.


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Make sure the following projects are selected:


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Build both build and release of the library by right-clicking and selecting "build all" from the Build Configurations menu. The console should show the progress of a successful build for both Debug and Release.

After building the library, build both configurations of each firmware in the same fashion.


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