UI Overview
GATESEQ translates a stream of gates into a palette of derived rhythms. Euclidean patterns provide an elegant sequencing foundation, with logic-based processing to extend those simple building blocks. The touch interface schematically describes the path of signals from the A and B inputs through to the A+B output.
A rising edge at the STEP
input advances a pair of gate sequencers, I and II. Each has a knob/CV combination to select a euclidean rhythm from a set. Sequencer I is a complex sequencer with a modulation input
and an internal clock based off the STEP
input, capable of clock multiplication and swing
. Sequencer II is a more basic sequencer to complement.
A rising edge at the reset input restarts the two sequences. This can be used to turn the free-running "necklace" created by a looping euclidean rhythms into a pattern that can be formed to any length by triggering the reset input.
The jacks marked I and II
are the direct outputs from the two sequencers. The two are combined logically at an additional gate output
, configured as and, or, xor, or nor. This creates a third pattern influenced by both sequencers, adding accents or rhythmic counterpoint.
The & button for each input enables or disables gating. With the gate disabled, the input always passes through to the output. Enabling the gate mutes the input unless its corresponding sequence is "high" or "on". In other words, the output of that block is the logical AND of the input and the corresponding sequencer. Use it for directly gating audio, generating chopped or stepped CV sequences, or masking of triggers and gates for even more complex rhythm processing.
The S+H buttons are implemented in a similar fashion, but there are three possible modes. The signal either passes without sampling, is sampled when the sequencer is high and tracked when the sequencer is low, or is resampled at every rising edge and held until the next rising edge.