UI Overview
The FREQ and LOOP parameters determine the overall function of the internal contour generator.The 6 possible combinations of those modes elicit a set of foundational synthesis objects: p ercussive voice, audio oscillator, attack/release envelope, LFO, one-shot voltage sequence, and complex LFO.
The TIME1 and TIME2 controls and their corresponding CV inputs (labeled T1 and T2 ) change for each FREQ mode to provide the most appropriate control style.
transforms the shape of the contour according to the selected
. This gives you a morphing wavetable oscillator or a shape-shifting modulation source.
The contour generator responds to a gate signal at the TRIG input (or with the TRIG pushbutton) with a response set by the TRIG parameter. FREEZE stops the motion of the contour generator. These logic inputs conform the contour generator to external timing signals in a variety of ways.
S+H configures the control scheme for the analog sample and holds, granting the ability to fade back and forth between sampled voltages.
is high during the path from A to B and low while transitioning from B to A or vise versa depending on the corresponding parameter. This signals the start or end of those slopes.
on the expander indicates when the contour generator is moving towards B at that instant, mapping complex waveforms to a gate sequence, or providing a gritty 1-bit audio output.
provides a triangle wave or a direct representation of the crossfade contour, giving you an extra signal output that is independent of the core circuit.